3DPS Red ABS 3.0mm 3D Printer filament
3DPS Red ABS 3.0mm 3D Printer filament is the perfect material for the 3D printing of strong and durable prints. It’s tough and has great mechanical properties, so whatever type of 3D printing you’re into this durable material will suit your needs!
An all round filament that’s even great for large prototypes and end products!
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Quickview3DPS Bundle ABS 1.75mm 3D Printer filament
3DPS ABS 1.75mm, 3DPS ABS 3D Printer filament, 3DPS Bundle ABS 3D Printer filament, 3DPS BundlesA 3DPS Bundle ABS 1.75mm 3D Printer filament is the perfect material for the 3D printing of strong and durable prints.Choose your 4 rolls of this tough material which has great mechanical properties, so whatever type of 3D printing you're into this durable material will suit your needs!
An all round filament that's even great for large prototypes and end products!
ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene in full) is a strong oil based polymer plastic. It is a flexible plastic, which is easily sanded and machined. Products include the well-known Lego blocks that are made from ABS as well as many car parts. The reasons for many applications are the tough and strong mechanical properties of ABS.
3DPS Red ABS 3.0mm 3D Printer filament is opaque due to the ABS polymer crystallises, which results in solid looking parts. Printing with ABS plastic requires a printer with a heated bed. ABS is soluble in Acetone allowing one to weld parts together with a drop or two, or smooth and create high gloss by brushing or dipping full pieces in Acetone. Compared to PLA, it is much easier to recycle ABS. It’s strength, flexibility, machinability, and higher temperature resistance make it a fantastic filament for all types of 3D prints!
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